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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-12 20:41



热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 23:37

1 I was on the bus just now. It was very noisy on the bus, so I didn't hear the cellphone ring.
2 I thought it was going to rain, but it turned out that there was no rain.
3 The weather forecast said that there would be a heavy rain, but we had a small rain instead.
4 When the meeting is on, turn your cellphone to the silence mode s or the vibration mode.
5 I phoned you three times / I phoned you so many times, but why didn't you ring back ?追问谢谢帮忙,呵呵。。最后一句 but why didn't you ring back ? , 您这句,如果写成 ring me back, 应该也可以吧? 谢谢

我如果这么写, why didn't you call me back ? 也是可以的吧。

so I didn't hear the cellphone ring. 您这里的 ring ,是动词,还是名词? 如果是动词, hear sth doing ,用法, 我看到一个电影台词 用的是: hear the phone ringing
用的是 ring ,现在分词 形式。您觉得呢。

追答why didn't you call me back ? ---可以。

ring me back------有了上下文,me就可以省略。

hear the cellphone ring-------ring 是动词。 强调 ring 的全过程
hear the cellphone ringing------听到the phone正在响
I didn't see or hear him come in because I was doing my work attentively.

你看到一个电影台词 用的是: hear the phone ringing

I didn't hear the cellphone ring.--------强调the phone 的ring “从头到尾”都没有听到。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 23:38

1、Just me in the bus, the car is too noisy. I did not hear the phone ring.
2、I thought the afternoon rain, the results did not rain.
3、Weather forecast today is heavy rain, the result is just under a light rain.
4、Meeting, the cell phone to silent or vibrate.
5、I gave you a telephone / fight so much over the phone, how do you not call me back?追问机器翻译的吧。明显的很

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 23:38

1、Just I'm on the bus, the car is too noisy. I didn't hear phone ring.
2、I thought it rain this afternoon? Results no rain.
3、The weather forecast today is the heavy rain, the result is just for a while under light rain.
4、Meeting, the cell phone to vibrate mode, or vibration.
5 I give you beat the three telephone/played so many times telephone, why didn't you call me?追问有道机器翻译啊。。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 23:39

1 Just I'm on the bus, the car is too noisy. I didn't hear phone ring.
2 I thought it rain this afternoon? Results no rain.
3 The weather forecast today is the heavy rain, the result is just for a while under light rain.
4 Meeting, the cell phone to vibrate mode, or vibration.
5 I give you beat the three telephone/played so many times telephone, why didn't you call me? 我没有抄别人的...其实这些英语去找有道翻译器就好了追问嗯。,都是,有道和谷歌的机器翻译。我不需要机器翻译,呵呵

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