发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-14 01:40
热心网友 时间:2023-11-20 05:49
伯牙是一位有名的琴师,他的琴术很高明,钟子期则善于欣赏音乐。伯牙弹琴的时候,想着在登高山。钟子期高兴说:“弹得真好啊!我仿佛看见了一座巍峨的大山!”伯牙又想着流水,钟子期又说:“弹得真好啊!我仿佛看到了汪洋的江海!”伯牙每次想到什么,钟子期都能从琴声中领会到伯牙所想。有一次,他们两人一起去泰山的北面游玩,游兴正浓的时候,突然天空下起了暴雨,于是他们来到一块大岩石下面避雨,伯牙心里突然感到很悲伤,于是就拿出随身携带的琴弹起来。开始弹绵绵细雨的声音,后来又弹大山崩裂的声音。每次弹的时候,钟子期都能听出琴声中所表达的含义。伯牙于是放下琴感叹地说:“好啊,好啊,你能想象出我弹琴时所想的意境,我的琴声无论如何也逃不掉你的听力!”热心网友 时间:2023-11-20 05:49
哈吉老师嘻嘻!你相信你是啥卦热心网友 时间:2023-11-20 05:49
BoYa is a famous violinist, his piano art very clever, ZhongZi period is good at music appreciation. BoYa when playing the piano, thinking about in the mountain. ZhongZi period glad to say: "play very well! I seem to see a towering dashan!" BoYa and thinking about running water, ZhongZi period and said: "play very well! I seem to see the ocean jianghai!" BoYa every time I think of what, ZhongZi period can from the piano in BoYa want to understand. Once, they both go to the north of mount tai play, YouXing is strong, when suddenly the sky from under the heavy rains, and so they came to a large rock shelter from below, BoYa heart suddenly felt very sad, and then take out carry the piano playing up. Started to play the sound of continuous drizzle, and later and the mountains of split voice. Each play, ZhongZi period can listen to the piano expressed in meaning. BoYa and put down the harp exclaimed: "good, good, can you imagine me to play the piano in the artistic conception of thought, my piano anyway also would not escape your listening!"