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heal tom odell歌词翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-14 01:14



热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 02:57

There’s a place in your heart 在你心中有个地方,

And I know that it is love 我知道那里充满了爱。

And this place could be 这个地方会比明天更灿烂。

Much brighter than tomorrow

And if you really try 如果你真的努力过,

You’ll find there’s no need to cry 你会发觉不必哭泣。

In this place you’ll feel 在这个地方,

There’s no hurt or sorrow 你感觉不到伤痛或烦忧。

There are ways to get there 到那个地方的方法很多,

If you care enough for the living 如果你真心关怀生者,

Make a little space 营造一些空间。

Make a better place... 创造一个更美好的地方...

Heal the world 拯救这世界,

Make it a better place 让它变得更好,

For you and for me and the entire human race 为你、为我,为了全人类。

There are people dying 不断有人死去,

If you care enough for the living 如果你真心关怀生者,

Make a better place for you and for me 为你,为我,创造一个更美好的世界。

If you want to know why 如果你想知道缘由,

There’s a love that cannot lie 因为爱不会说谎。

Love is strong 爱是坚强的,

It only cares of joyful giving 爱就是心甘情愿的奉献。

If we try 若我们用心去尝试,

We shall see 我们就会明白,

In this bliss 只要心里有爱,

We cannot feel fear or dread 我们就感受不到恐惧与忧虑。

We stop existing 我们不再只是活着,

And start living 而是真正开始生活。

Then it feels that always 那爱的感觉将持续下去。

Love’s enough for us growing 爱让我们不断成长,

So make a better world 去创造一个更美好的世界,

Make a better world... 去创造一个更美好的世界...

Heal the world 拯救这世界,

Make it a better place 让它变得更好,

For you and for me and the entire human race 为你、为我,为了全人类。

There are people dying 不断有人死去,

If you care enough for the living 如果你真心关怀生者,

Make a better place for you and for me 为你,为我,创造一个更美好的世界。

And the dream we were conceived in 我们心中的梦想,追答Will reveal a joyful face 让我们露出笑脸。

And the world we once believed in 我们曾经信赖的世界,

Will shine again in grace 会再次闪烁祥和的光芒。

Then why do we keep strangling life 那么我们为何仍在扼杀生命,

Wound this earth 伤害地球,

Crucify its soul 扼杀它的灵魂?

Though it’s plain to see 虽然这很容易明白,

This world is heavenly be God’s glow 这世界天生就是上帝的荣光。

We could fly so high 我们可以在高空飞翔

Let our spirits never die 让我们的精神不灭

In my heart I feel you are all my brothers 在我心中,你我都是兄弟

Create a world with no fear 共同创造一个没有恐惧的世界

Together we’ll cry happy tears 我们一起流下喜悦的泪水

See the nations turn their swords into plowshares 看到许多国家把刀剑变成了犁耙。

Heal the world 拯救这世界,

Make it a better place 让它变得更好,

For you and for me and the entire human race 为你、为我,为了全人类。

There are people dying 不断有人死去,

If you care enough for the living 如果你真心关怀生者,

Make a better place for you and for me 为你,为我,创造一个更美好的世界。

... ...

You and for me 为你为我

You and for me 为你为我

You and for me 为你为我

热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 02:57


热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 02:58

Take my mind and take my pain
Like an empty bottle takes the rain
And heal.
Take my past and take my sins
Like an empty sail takes the wind
And heal.
And tell me some things last

And tell me some things last
Take my heart and take my hand
Like an ocean takes the dirty sands
And heal
Take my mind and take my pain
Like an empty bottle takes the rain
And heal
And tell me some things last
And tell me some things last
And tell me some things last
And tell me some things last


热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 02:58


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