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我眼中的中国 一篇100字的英语作文,拜托各位了,谢谢

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 19:38



热心网友 时间:2022-04-21 21:07

我找的一篇汉语的,然后翻译的,不知道是不是你需要的:In my eyes, China is a prosperous and strong country, she was praised by many people. China is like a cock with a head held high, standing at the top of the world.

However, whenever I opened the history book, the joy of my heart fell down, and in September 1860, the British and French troops landed from Tianjin to attack Beijing, and Xianfeng emperor fled to Chengde mountain resort, ordering soldiers to stay in the city. On October 6th the British and French troops invaded the old summer palace, and the Chinese soldiers' shotguns and swords did not make a difference to the British and French soldiers. they could only see their death with their eyes open, leaving only dozens of eunuchs and courtiers in the garden, and the cruel British and French soldiers killed them alive. British general looked at the front of the magnificent palace, involuntary start to rob. So all the gold and silver in the garden was swept away. In order to destroy the evidence of the crimes on October 18 and 19, the allied commander told more than 3,000 soldiers to burn the summer palace overnight, the fire even burned three days and three nights, smoke enveloped the entire city of Beijing. In this way, the artistic treasure of the garden, the essence of architectural art, turned into a piece of ashes.

Time slowly past, the sleeping lion in the fire and the sino - Soviet wake. On October 1, 1997, chairman Mao declared at the Beijing city: " the people's Republic of China has been established! ". " on the last stage of the parade, China made its first jet plane.

This is the lion in my eyes, the male who awakens from the fire
父母离异的话,会不会导致孩子心智不成熟? 过节 公司给我们发的购物卡 这个怎么做分录 属于福利费吗 需要计提吗... 乡村振兴公务员和省考公务员有什么区别 ...小时候跟着爷爷学国画书法,小受家是农村的,小受姓夏或叶,他带着他... 瑞麒X1安全装置 瑞麒X1的舒适型和豪华型有什么区别?配置有哪些不同的地方?这5000块多在... 瑞麒X1的安全性能方面配置如何? 脚崴了 有大量於血 怎么样才能快速消肿 脚崴了外侧出现瘀血浮肿怎么消除? ...换了我喜欢的发型,但是穿了件有点透明的衣服,可以看到肩_百度... 网络小额贷款砍头息不还报警会支持吗 内蒙牛肉干的制作方法有哪些?该如何保存? 济南纬二路小学育晖分校对口上哪个初中? 以火车订票业务12306为例分析订票业务的特点以及对网络传输的要求 济南育文中学和六十八那个好 在网上可以根据税号查出公司的信息吗? 初中推荐生的信!!济南考过推荐的进!!! 68中怎么样?市中区排名,风气,师资,升学率等等, 那种德国啤酒香甜可口 啤酒养胃吗 未成年可以喝含有啤酒花的饮料吗? 中国历史上最早的啤酒? 每天喝啤酒的危害 喝啤酒有好处还是坏处? 所有果啤都是啤酒吗? 请问八厘米有多长?请给我准确的答案!谢谢。 猫静发情期猫粮含啤酒。现在知道为什么没吃了就睡,原来是因为醉了。医生说有激素。卖货的人说没有? 大家知道济南的68中学在哪里不 含啤酒成分的洗发水 含有啤酒的口水落到手机屏幕会咋样 晚上和与我合租房子的一个女孩在微信上聊天,我问她洗澡了吗,她回我说嗯,然后我又说我也洗完了,她也回 和不认识的异性合租是什么感受? 和同学合租要怎么处理先离开的问题? 合租一个卧室可以住俩人吗? 为什么我的养老保险金没转移 俩男生合租房子该如何相处 我要求退还我的保险金 请问为什么我的人寿保险生存金无法领取,已满18岁,但app上显示您的保险无法领取红利? 我的失业保险金怎么领呀??? 我买了的一年保险保险金是4000,今年不想买了想退出来。能退多少 我的保险现金价值300 我的医疗保险金是一年720元,怎么平时看病不能报销 我的人寿保险金为什么被提前交呢? 保险公司用我们缴纳的保险金做什么? 我的社保金有多少? 西门子s7一2oo编程软件梯形图下载时怎样修改c0M端口 cnck kad2006编程软件怎么改成中文 有啥编程软件可以直接修改exe程序 深圳CNC编程学哪个软件更实用 ()()绽开四字成语?