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英语全效学习八上40分钟测试卷 (9) 里面作文的题目是什么啊 人教版的

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-13 23:09



热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 08:16

Austrian composer Mozart is classical Le Paizui the typical composer, with Haydn, Beethoven bingcheng is the Vienna classical happy faction three big composers.

On January 27, 1756, Wolfgang - Arab League Mudd Wu Si - Mozart was born in Austria's Saar Si family of Bao the palace musician. He very small revealed the extremely high music talent, studies music under father's guidance. From 1762, under father's leadership, 6 year-old Mozart and 10 year-old elder sister Anna started the roaming entire Europe continent performance on tour. They have been to

Munich, Frankfurt, Bonn, Vienna, Paris, London, Milan, the wave swell that, Florence, Naples, Rome, Amsterdam and so on many places, everywhere one visit cause the huge stir all! In Austrian country all Vienna, they please enter by emperor the royal palace to carry on the performance.

In 1772, 16 year-old Mozart finally finished for 10 years long time the roaming life, returns to own hometown Saar Si fort, holds the post of the chief musician in archbishop's palace orchestra. Because Bishop Man severely does not control to him, this section unstable hired the relations finally to finish in 1781, he decided to maintain independence and keep initiative resolutely, to go to Vienna to settle down, steps onto the difficult free musician path.

Mozart writes relaxed and amazingly quick causes him a at the same time generation of person and the later generation all the talent which regards as him is self-taught, study does not become, looks over his life, receives father's strict instruction besides the infancy time, has indeed never been under the official teacher instruction. The talent does not allow to deny, but people therefore often neglected the talent also not to be able to leave is assious and is diligent. Mozart once said that,“The people thought my art comes all to not need the effort. In fact, nobody can look like my same flower such much time and ponder is engaged in composing music; A famous expert's work I have not been have studied many times instriously.”
Bye-bye thanks

热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 08:17

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