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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-13 21:55



热心网友 时间:2022-05-14 00:28

While, in abroad, self-catering is not a simple task. If you live in an English family, you should make your thought of self-catering clear before signing the renting contract. Some Englishmen don't like soot, so they may prohibit cooking. Most English houses don't have ventilation hoods, even they have, the suction is not very well. In addition, the Fire Detective System in England is very sensitive, therefore, when you are cooking, you must pay attention to ventilation. Otherwise, you will be embarrassed when the fireworkers ask for your signature.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-14 01:46

but, in a foreign country, there is sth you should know before cook on your own. When living in a English house, you should state it clear in the lease contract that you want to cook yourself. Some Englishman dislike greasy and smoke caused by cooking, then prohibit cooking. There are seldom any range hoods in the kitchens, even there are, the working power is poor, but the fire detector system is very sensitive. So you should pay attention to vantilate the kitchen white cooking, otherwise you would be embarrassed when confront with a firefighter.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-14 03:21

However, in a foreign country, cook by oneself also is very learned. Living in an English man's home, if want to own cooking, before the contract signed the rent must be made clear. Some British people don't like lampblack, so would ban stir-fries. British kitchen generally no smoke lampblack machine, even if there is little but also suction fire detection system is very sensitive, so cooking time must be aware of ventilation. Otherwise, such as firefighters let you sign it embarrassing.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-14 05:12

However, in foreign countries, their cooking is very knowledgeable. Britons living in the home, if you want to cook their own food, before signing the rental contract must make it clear. Some British people do not like smoke, they will ban cooking. UK generally do not have kitchen range hoods, even if it does not suction, and fire detection system is very sensitive, so be sure to pay attention to ventilation when cooking. Otherwise, the other firemen make you sign to an embarrassing position.
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