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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 22:25



热心网友 时间:2022-05-12 22:55




There are many reasons that someone might visit a factory and take a tour. They might be a prospective client who wants to see where the procts are made, or perhaps someone from head office is on an inspection tour, or it could be an official inspection to make sure you are following government or internal standards. If it’s your job to give the tour, you’ll want to make sure everything goes smoothly.
During the tour, usually you should let the guest walk on the right. It is polite for you to open the door for him or her and let them go through the door first. It is offending to call a young lady “madam”, and you should not ask her about her age, salary, and some other private matters. You can’t smoke unless you are permitted. Make sure that you’re clean and tidy. Don’t be humble or pushy, but show respect for him and his customs. You must be punctual and keep your promise. When shaking hands, you can use a little strength, but not too tightly. You should always use “please”, “thanks” in your talks. Get ready to help your guest whenever they are in trouble.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-13 00:13

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