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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 22:25



热心网友 时间:2023-07-19 05:52

Inequality in Higher Mathematics proved to be an important part of learning the contents of the proof of inequality a lot of ideas and methods is also very flexible.
Differential intermediate value theorem commonly known as "Lagrange mean value theorem" is a differential study in one of the most important conclusion. Lagrange mean value theorem is to examine the function of the characteristics of a powerful tool. Not only that, in the calculus, series theory, as well as the basis of mathematical analysis to many aspects of the Lagrange mean value theorem is an important means of research, often play a pivotal role. Such a widely used theorem, the proof of the inequality has a more important application.
This mean value theorem of the introction and in the example on the other the application of proven methods to illustrate the mean value theorem to prove some of the infinitive is very simple. Mean Value Theorem is to examine the function of the characteristics of a powerful tool, it is also an important means of research. Lagrange mean value theorem there Cauchy Mean Value Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem, prove that they are a powerful tool for inequality.
This article is divided into several categories of questions, focus on a typical example of the Lagrange Mean Value Theorem to prove the application of the inequality summarized in the hope that readers can better grasp the Lagrange mean value theorem in the inequality in the application of skills .
Key words: Lagrange mean value theorem to prove inequality

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