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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-15 22:07



热心网友 时间:2023-08-19 12:57

Although/Though/Even though/ media, such as television and movie, is considered as an convenient access for us to gain the benign contents and enrich our creativity and imagination, the excessive iviolence the media contained, which is flooded with misleading information towards the public, will exert detrimental influences on the society.

Media, such as television and movie, is considered as an convenient access for us to gain the benign contents and enrich our creativity and imagination, yet the excessive iviolence the media contained, which is flooded with misleading information towards the public, will exert detrimental influences on the society.
In spite of/Despite the fact that media, such as television and movie, is considered as an convenient access for us to gain the benign contents and enrich our creativity and imagination, the excessive iviolence the media contained, which is flooded with misleading information towards the public, will exert detrimental influences on the society.
Media, such as television and movie, is considered as an convenient access for us to gain the benign contents and enrich our creativity and imagination. However/On the ohter hand/Nevertheless, the excessive iviolence the media contained, which is flooded with misleading information towards the public, will exert detrimental influences on the society.

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