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帮忙翻译成英语, 谢啦!!!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-15 22:36



热心网友 时间:2024-02-28 15:03

Jade, the beauty of stone also, there are five German. Runze to temperature, also Hinosuke; Xie justification from outside, one can know, the justice of the side;舒扬its sound, the smell much, also unwise; not flex and fold, the side-yong; Rui Lian without aggressive, cleaning the side.

The value of jade:
First, the role of jade decoration: Jade is the beauty of stone, jade ornaments Yi-ying, permeability, color harmony, and bright and colorful, elegant, beautiful, generous, spiritual爽利, it is proud, but also is a major expression of the human spirit the United States.

Second, the collection of jade value: priceless jade visible gold, and Yuh-pei is a valuable thing, has its own value, jade plays a role in the currency, there are a lot of economic value, will never be devalued. Jade is a collection of hedge wealth, easy collection, storage, will not be changed is the physical possession of collectors will be prepared.

Third, it is auspicious jade token: Europeans in Asia in addition to jade that hung on the waist of the efficacy of kidney disease are cured, the view that in addition to jade decorative features, there are still "the咒术, Po's, worship of the" functional . Body Peiyu have role in accidents if they occur, have yu wear them, people will not be jeopardized, it represents the auspicious jade and of disaster for the fu.

Fourth, the role of medical fitness jade:
"God made Materia Medica" record: jade may "In addition to the heat, run heart-lung, throat to help the sound, Huizi hair, and raised five internal organs, the soul, blood thinning, prescribed the eyes and ears." Jade containing more than trace elements essential to human, such as: iron, zinc, selenium, copper, chromium, cobalt, nickel and manganese, long-term wear, may be infiltrating the skin, enters the human body to supplement inadequate, so yu can wear the body of the physiological balance function, a stable and calm the spirit of the role of emotions.

China is a country awkeotsang in people's minds, jade is a symbol of good and noble. Jade should be a good hard dense texture, the beautiful and crystal. Jade is a mineral consisting mainly of jadeite pyroxene-type mineral aggregates, because of its color heterogeneity, in the light-colored background with the color red and green groups, like the ancient beauty of the color red feathers of the kingfisher and green bird feathers The Kingfisher, it is called Jade. Jade as a result of transparent and crystal clear, glossy gratifying, but not brittle and so hard to become recognized as the characteristics of the "King of Jade", is the most expensive varieties of precious stones, have high economic value, collecting the value and aesthetic appeal.

热心网友 时间:2024-02-28 15:04


热心网友 时间:2024-02-28 15:04


热心网友 时间:2024-02-28 15:05

Oh my god~~~~
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