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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-15 18:39



热心网友 时间:2024-02-26 14:41

Located in the southwest Pacific, New Zealand has two main islands - the North (115,000 sq km) and South (151,000 sq km) - and a number of smaller islands, including bushclad Stewart Island (1700 sq km). The country is famous for its natural beauty and scenic attractions, from snow-capped mountains, glaciers and fiords to thermal geysers, volcanoes, sub-tropical rainforests and magnificent sandy beaches.

New Zealandis about the same size as the United Kingdom. The two main islands, North and South, stretch 1600km but are only five to 450km wide and separated by the 20km Cook Strait. Smaller islands include Stewart, Chatham, Mana, and the Subantarctic islands. Over 75 percent of New Zealand is at least 200m above sea level with Mount Cook, at 3754m, being our highest point. Mount Hikurangi on the East Cape is the first mainland point to receive each day's sun. The Chatham Islands, 800km east of Christchurch, are the first inhabited land on earth to see the sun

位于西南太平洋,新西兰有两个主要岛屿-北( 1 15000平方公里)和南非( 1 5.10万平方公里) -和一些较小的岛屿组成,其中包括bu shclad斯图尔特岛( 1 7 00平方公里)。该国是著名的自然风光和风景名胜,从雪山,冰川和fiords热喷泉,火山爆发,*带雨林和宏伟的沙滩。


热心网友 时间:2024-02-26 14:42

New Zealand, a wealthy Pacific nation, is dominated by two cultural groups: New Zealanders of European descent, and the minority Maori, whose Polynesian ancestors arrived on the islands around 1,000 years ago.

Agriculture is the economic mainstay, but manufacturing and tourism are important and there is a fledgling film instry.

New Zealand has diversified its export markets and has developed strong trade links with Australia, the US, and Japan. In April 2008 it became the first Western country to sign a free trade deal with China.


热心网友 时间:2024-02-26 14:42

New Zealand is an island country in the south-western Pacific Ocean comprising two main landmasses (the North Island and the South Island) and numerous smaller islands, most notably Stewart Island/Rakiura and the Chatham Islands. The indigenous Māori named New Zealand Aotearoa, which is commonly translated into English as The Land of the Long White Cloud. The Realm of New Zealand also includes the Cook Islands and Niue, which are self-governing but in free association; Tokelau; and the Ross Dependency (New Zealand's territorial claim in Antarctica).
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