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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-15 14:35



热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 05:33

Accounting Standards as the accounting theory and practice has been the main subject of great importance. Accounting practice of accounting standards is not only the experience and theoretical guidance, or norms to deal with accounting matters, and having a profound impact on accounting. In China, the socialist market economic system with the establishment and opening to the outside world continues to expand, the establishment of accounting standards system, the formulation and implementation of accounting standards has a very important role and significance. At present, China's accounting standards issued by enterprises, including a basic 38 criteria and specific criteria. The basic norms of accounting standards across the enterprise system, plays a role in the conceptual framework, play a role in reconciliation; specific criteria is based on the basic criteria of the specific accounting treatment of transactions or normative matters. With the rapid development of economy, many practical problems of accounting, accounting standards need to regulate the content will also be increasing. Specific accounting standards in the process of implementation will be graally exposed a number of shortcomings and omissions. The first step is the current accounting standards to recognize that in the implementation process there will be what kind of problem? Why the existence of these problems? How to deal with these problems? On these issues for the analysis of the accounting work for our country, is of great practical significance, not only for enterprises to better use of specific accounting standards for reference, but also the criteria for regulatory authorities to see some of the shortcomings and omissions The Department for the implementation of specific accounting standards to better prepare for work. In this paper, in theory, expounded the meaning of accounting standards, the formation and development, analysis of the accounting standards in the implementation process and the reasons for the problems and arrive at the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions for China's enterprises in the implementation process of specific accounting standards provide some reference.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 05:33

The implementation of specific accounting standards in the process of Problems and Solutions

Accounting Standards as the accounting theory and practice has been the main subject of great importance. Accounting practice of accounting standards is not only the experience and theoretical guidance, or norms to deal with accounting matters, and having a profound impact on accounting. In China, the socialist market economic system with the establishment and opening to the outside world continues to expand, the establishment of accounting standards system, the formulation and implementation of accounting standards has a very important role and significance. At present, China's accounting standards issued by enterprises, including a basic 38 criteria and specific criteria. The basic norms of accounting standards across the enterprise system, plays a role in the conceptual framework,
Plays a role in reconciliation; specific criteria is based on the basic criteria of the specific accounting treatment of transactions or normative matters. With the rapid development of economy, many practical problems of accounting, accounting standards need to regulate the content will also be increasing. Specific accounting standards in the process of implementation will be graally exposed a number of shortcomings and omissions. The first step is the current accounting standards to recognize that in the implementation process there will be what kind of problem? Why the existence of these problems? How to deal with these problems? On these issues for the analysis of the accounting work for our country, is of great practical significance, not
Can only be better for business use of specific accounting standards for reference, but also the criteria for regulatory authorities to see some of the shortcomings and omissions, in order to better implementation of specific accounting standards are well prepared. In this paper, in theory, expounded the meaning of accounting standards, the formation and development, analysis of the accounting standards in the implementation process and the reasons for the problems and arrive at the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions for China's enterprises in the implementation process of specific accounting standards provide some reference.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 05:34

The question that the concrete accounting criterion is implemented in the course and accounting criterion of countermeasure summary have been paid attention to the accounting theory and main subject of the practice all the time. The accounting criterion is not only summary of experience and theoretical direction that an accountant practises, deal with the norms of the accounting affairs, is having far-reaching influence on accounting work. In our country, with the setting-up of the socialist market economy system and constant enlargement opening to the outside world, establish the system of accounting criterion, make and implement the accounting criterion having very important function and meaning. At present, the accounting criterion of enterprise which our country releases includes a basic criterion and 38 concrete criteria. The basic criterion is acting the part of concept frame in the whole enterprise's accounting criterion system, play a controlling role; The concrete criterion is on the basis of basic criterion, to the concrete trade or norm which the item accountant dealt with. Up to the development at full speed of economy, the accounting practice question emerges in an endless stream, the accounting criterion needs normal content to increase day by day too. Will expose some insufficient and places slipped graally while the concrete accounting criterion is implemented. Is the first step to realize what kind of problem accounting criterion will exist in the course of implementing at present? Why will these problems exist? How to handle these problems well? The analysis and research about these problems is to accounting work of our country, have a very important one Realistic meaning, not only can offer reference for better concrete accounting criterion of use of enterprises, and can make relevant supervision departments see some insufficient and places slipped where the criterion exists, more easy for the concrete accounting criterion to implement the preparation of doing well. This text has explained the meaning of the accounting criterion, taken shape and developed in theory, have analyzed problem and reason that the accounting criterion exists in the course of implementing, obtain corresponding countermeasure and suggestion, thus offer some reference in the course of implementing the concrete accounting criterion for the enterprises of

热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 05:34

Accounting Standards as the accounting theory and practice has been the main subject of great importance. Accounting practice of accounting standards is not only the experience and theoretical guidance, or norms to deal with accounting matters, and having a profound impact on accounting. In China, the socialist market economic system with the establishment and opening to the outside world continues to expand, the establishment of accounting standards system, the formulation and implementation of accounting standards has a very important role and significance. At present, China's accounting standards issued by enterprises, including a basic 38 criteria and specific criteria. The basic norms of accounting standards across the enterprise system, plays a role in the conceptual framework, play a role in reconciliation; specific criteria is based on the basic criteria of the specific accounting treatment of transactions or normative matters. With the rapid development of economy, many practical problems of accounting, accounting standards need to regulate the content will also be increasing. Specific accounting standards in the process of implementation will be graally exposed a number of shortcomings and omissions. The first step is the current accounting standards to recognize that in the implementation process there will be what kind of problem? Why the existence of these problems? How to deal with these problems? On these issues for the analysis of the accounting work for our country, is of great practical significance, not only for enterprises to better use of specific accounting standards for reference, but also the criteria for regulatory authorities to see some of the shortcomings and omissions The Department for the implementation of specific accounting standards to better prepare for work. In this paper, in theory, expounded the meaning of accounting standards, the formation and development, analysis of the accounting standards in the implementation process and the reasons for the problems and arrive at the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions for China's enterprises in the implementation process of specific accounting standards provide some reference.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 05:35


会计专业 英文:financial accounting major


1,accountant---会计2,bank teller--银行出纳员3,bank manager--银行经理 monk--和尚4,nun--修女5,priest--牧师6,actor--演员7,actress -- 女演员8,dancer--舞蹈演员9,director-- 导演10,disc jockey (D.J.)--电台的音乐节目主持人11,master of ceremonies (M.C.)-- 节目主持人...


Accounting Standards as the accounting theory and practice has been the main subject of great importance. Accounting practice of accounting standards is not only the experience and theoretical guidance, or norms to deal with accounting matters, and having a profound impact on accounting. I...

会计专业英语名词解释(用英文) 考试用 !急!!!

8.double entry system 复式会计制度 9.adjusting procedure 调整程序


the statistical caliber,统计口径 the contract wages, 合同工资 the reality pays out thewages, 实发工资 the tax payment proved that,纳税证明 the goal bonus, 目标奖金 reimburses byticket凭票报销

主修会计学怎么翻译?是major in accounting还是什么呀?

主修会计学英语翻译是:Majoring in Accounting。“会计专业”英文是Accounting major。相似短语:Major in Accounting主修会计学。With major in Accounting会计专业毕业。例句:1.Teaching and personnel training of the accounting major in higher vocational education isunable to suit social needs.摘要...


成本会计cost accounting 财务会计finance accounting 管理会计manage accounting 特殊业务会计special business accounting 国际会计international accounting 银行会计bank accounting 预算会计budget accounting 资产评估property assessment 企业管理Enterprise Management 信息化informationization 审计学audit 产业经济学...

我学的是会计专业 英文怎么说

我学的是会计专业:I'm majoring in accounting.major 英 [ˈmeɪdʒə(r)] 美 [ˈmedʒɚ]majoring 释义major(以…为专业)的现在分词形式;adj. 主要的;重要的;大调的;主修的(课程)n. 主修科目;大调;陆军少校;成年的 vi. <美>主修,专攻;...


呵呵 专业英语最好附带你的专业翻译 譬如会计专业的专业外语:accounting English O(∩_∩)O~

会计的四个基本假设 专业英语翻译 急求 拜托拜托

会计主体 accounting entity,会计分期 accounting periods,货币计量 monetary measurement,持续经营 going concern。企业作为一个会计主体,应当对其本身发生的交易或事项进行会计确认、计量和报告。独立地记录和核算企业本身各项生产经营活动,而不能核算、反映企业投资者或者其他经济主体的经济活动。会计主体是现代...

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