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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-15 11:45



热心网友 时间:2023-08-21 13:09

这是发表在Nature上的一篇文章《The common biology of cancer and ageing》中的话,原文是这样的——“Most alt cells have limiting amounts of telomerase that are not sufficient to prevent telomere loss, resulting in the shortening of telomeres with age[53]. As telomeres are essential for chromosomal stability, this progressive telomere loss was proposed to be at the basis of cellular senescence and ageing in the ‘telomere hypothesis’[53]. Indeed, telomere length has been shown to predict the replicative capacity of human cells and the appearance of certain age-associated pathologies in humans[54,55]. The final demonstration that telomere shortening was one of the causes of cellular senescence came from the observation that re-introction of the TERT telomerase gene was sufficient to bypass replicative senescence and to confer immortal growth on a number of human primary cell lines[56]. Furthermore, the generation and characterization of the telomerase knockout mouse model has been instrumental in demonstrating that short telomeres result in multiple organismal defects caused by defective tissue regeneration[57–59]. In particular, telomerase-deficient mice with short telomeres show reced function of various stem cell compartments including those in the bone marrow and skin[58,60]. Interestingly, patients who have inherited or acquired genetic defects that limit telomere maintenance seem to be at substantially increased risk of a range of conditions including aplastic anaemia61, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis[62,63] and the rarer dyskeratosis congenita syndrome[64]”.
你所提供的语句在文中参考文献是56,也就是1998年发表在Science上的一篇文章《Extension of Life-Span by Introction of Telomerase into Normal Human Cells》,这里附上文章摘要:“Normal human cells undergo a finite number of cell divisions and ultimately enter a nondividing state called replicative senescence. It has been proposed that telomere shortening is the molecular clock that triggers senescence. To test this hypothesis, two telomerase-negative normal human cell types, retinal pigment epithelial cells and foreskin fibroblasts, were transfected with vectors encoding the human telomerase catalytic subunit. In contrast to telomerase-negative control clones, which exhibited telomere shortening and senescence, telomerase-expressing clones had elongated telomeres, divided vigorously, and showed reced staining for -galactosidase, a biomarker for senescence. Notably, the telomerase-expressing clones have a normal karyotype and have already exceeded their normal life-span by at least 20 doublings, thus establishing a causal relationship between telomere shortening and in vitro cellular senescence. The ability to maintain normal human cells in a phenotypically youthful state could have important applications in research and medicine”,从中我们可以看出作者研究的对象是不含端粒酶的两个正常人细胞型,通过向这两个细胞型引入含有端粒酶编码基因的表达载体补足了端粒酶缺失导致的端粒缩短等现象也就说明了端粒酶的存在对于细胞的正常生长及传代是必须的。如果你需要相应参照文献可以与jingboan@gmail.com联系。

热心网友 时间:2023-08-21 13:09

婴幼儿认知功能的主义转变出现在几岁 认知发展理论心理发展过程 如何判断相亲对象是否渣男呢? 游船怎么造句 mei字造句 赏阅怎么造句 张金战个人记事 空调扇怎么关 matlab怎么运行程序文件-matlab运行程序文件的方法教程 ios8.1.1怎么没有搜索栏了 逆转录用到的原料来自淋巴细胞,为什么??? human hepatoma 和liver cancer 的区别 大学英文作文:大脑是人体中最重要的一部分 143b control cybrid cells是什么细胞 gmat 的og问题~~ 谭铮的近年代表性论文 肿瘤病毒的病毒类型 梦到比我学习差的超过了我,我上课发出了一点声响,老师就骂我,还说你看人家,以前老师总是表扬我的? 人的肺部组织细胞适合用40um、70um还是100um的细胞滤网? 求科普文章,英译中 从细胞进化到人的英文怎写 humanprimarycellatlas无法打开 为什么有些网站有其他浏览器打得开,但是用360浏览器打不开?是怎么回事? 梦见自己被儿子打又被陌生人救了是什么意思? 我想要在asp页面中实现实时天气预报的功能 iPhone6sp怎么关闭wifi旁边的这个圈? iPhone6sp不在充电时候连接无线网是不是就不会自动下载系统更新了??? 苹果6sp插上电源更新怎么办 退市后汇源果汁被强制执行超15亿,汇源果汁是不是要彻底“凉”了? 汇源果汁新品吉时红有人喝过吗? 请大侠帮忙翻译一篇文章 股票中,转势要看月K线,月线出阳迎曙光之含义? 如何把握股票的转势点 j6门锁拆卸图解 为什么手机里老出一个嗨我在听? 顺陆怎么竞价才能成功 请教竞价的技巧,如何成功以最低成 五谷道场热干面的卖点和介绍 老成都凉面酱有什么特点? 跑步减肥需要30分钟才能消耗脂肪,可是我坚持不下来,如果跑跑走走 超过30分钟能不能消耗脂肪, 在jxedt365.com驾校一点通说科目四补考不要交钱,但是我们教练要收五十,要补考费么? 西南林业大学补考和重修制度,还有重修要多少钱。最好是具体点 在手机淘宝网上要退款的话怎么上传照片 怎样将手机里的照片弄到淘宝退款时的上传图片里去 收取补考费合理么!? 现在重庆考驾照多少钱?(南坪) 补考的流程是什么样的? 淘宝网申请退款退货怎么传不上照片 手机淘宝怎么申请退款么也发不到照片给卖家 我用苹果手机上淘宝,不知道怎么退款?