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Alone among strangers课文翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-15 13:40



热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 13:35

Alone among strangers: Dealing with a difficult situation 


It was Friday night and I could hear loud music and people talking as I walked through the door.


My friend saw me and came over. “Hey, Ben! Thanks for coming to my party.” he said. “Thanks for inviting me. 


It looks like a great party,” I replied. But I had a secret feeling of fear. I realized that I didn’t know anyone there. 


I moved towards the drinks table and got a drink. Then I nervously stood in a corner, not quite sure what to do. 


Finally, I turned to the person next to me and introced myself. “Hi,” I said. “My name’s Ben.” “Hi, I’m Tania,” the person replied shyly. 


Then there was a long silence as I kept trying to think about what to say next. 


I felt more and more nervous and other person was looking uncomfortable, too. 


In the end, all I could say was, “Well, it was nice meeting you.” And I quickly walked away. I felt so embarrassed that I left the party.  


Ben isn’t the only person that has experienced this situation. Something similar has probably happened to most of us before. 


It’s natural to feel unsure of ourselves when starting conversations with strangers. A good starting paint is to ask the person questions about himself or herself, or talk about something you both like such as football or pop music. 


This can make social situations more relaxed. Then you’ll be glad you went to the party.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 13:36

Alone among strangers: Dealing with a difficult situation 

It was Friday night and I could hear loud music and people talking as I walked through the door. My friend saw me and came over. “Hey, Ben! Thanks for coming to my party.” he said. “Thanks for inviting me. It looks like a great party,” I replied. But I had a secret feeling of fear. I realized that I didn’t know anyone there. I moved towards the drinks table and got a drink. Then I nervously stood in a corner, not quite sure what to do.     

Finally, I turned to the person next to me and introced myself. “Hi,” I said. “My name’s Ben.” “Hi, I’m Tania,” the person replied shyly. Then there was a long silence as I kept trying to think about what to say next. I felt more and more nervous and other person was looking uncomfortable, too. In the end, all I could say was, “Well, it was nice meeting you.” And I quickly walked away. I felt so embarrassed that I left the party.  

Ben isn’t the only person that has experienced this situation. Something similar has probably happened to most of us before. It’s natural to feel unsure of ourselves when starting conversations with strangers. A good starting paint is to ask the person questions about himself or herself, or talk about something you both like such as football or pop music. This can make social situations more relaxed. Then you’ll be glad you went to the party.     


同陌生人: 处理困难的情境 





热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 13:36

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