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求帮忙翻译成英语啊 感激跪谢!!!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-15 15:13



热心网友 时间:2023-11-27 15:21

In 2013 HS refractories situation and problems to be solved
As the focus and clear M and HS cooperation and the future work, we do a brief summary of the work of the past year.
Analysis of the proction of cast steel brick a.HS proction:
In 2013, HS proced a total of cast steel brick 2397 tons (approximately 9 months of proction), the proction and export of cast steel brick 1618 tons, the proportion of 67.5%, M order proction 618 tons, accounting for 25.8% of the total proction of cast steel brick, the total export of cast steel brick proction 38.2%.
From the analysis of yield:
1. HS has an annual proction capacity of 3000 tons;
2. HS proction and export of cast steel brick for cast steel brick proction is 67.5%, which is most of the cast steel brick proction for export brick;
3. M ordering less, accounting for cast steel brick proction is relatively small, only 25.8%.
Two problems and need to be solved
There are fluctuations in 1 proct quality, quality inspection personnel's business level needs to be improved;
In 2013, there have been several problems in the quality of procts, particularly in the detection and finished size pick. Thanks to the joint efforts of the M and HS HS, the overall quality of procts is stable, and continue to develop good.
Orders less 2.M, and every order imbalance;
M HS in 2013 797 tons, an average of 66.4 tons per month, and order quantity is uneven, some months quantity is less than 1 tons. HS in early 13 because of MISANO order is not much, for other company's order (mostly booked orders a year), it is bound to affect the M order proction.
3 because of the natural gas, raw materials, labor costs increased substantially, greatly improve the proction cost of the proct, while M and HS agreed price is agreed, from 2012 June, ring the HS proposed several times over the price, M No. M now the price and other companies for some of the price gap.
The continuous appreciation of RMB 4 against the dollar, seriously affected the export price;
Since the 2012 June agreed price, the RMB has appreciated 4.73%, namely M payment settlement into RMB, we get the price of 4.73% less. The company to export procts is generally 6 months or 1 years a price adjustment, but the M has 1 years 7 months did not adjust the price. HS is required to make adjustments to the price.
On the problems and requirements, hope to be negotiated and solved as soon as possible.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-27 15:21

In 2013 HS refractories situation and problems to be solved
As the focus and clear M and HS cooperation and the future work, we do a brief summary of the work of the past year.
Analysis of the proction of cast steel brick a.HS proction:
In 2013, HS proced a total of cast steel brick 2397 tons(approximately 9 months of proction), the proction and export of cast steel brick 1618 tons, the proportion of 67.5%, M order proction 618 tons, accounting for 25.8% of the total proction of cast steel brick, the total export of cast steel brick proction 38.2%.
From the analysis of yield:
1. HS has an annual proction capacity of 3000 tons;
2. HS proction and export of cast steel brick for cast steel brick proction is 67.5%, which is most of the cast steel brick proction for export brick;
3. M ordering less, accounting for cast steel brickproction is relatively small, only 25.8%.
Two problems and need to be solved
There are fluctuations in 1 proct quality, quality inspection personnel's business level needs to be improved;
In 2013, there have been several problems in the quality of procts, particularly in the detection and finished sizepick. Thanks to the joint efforts of the M and HS HS, the overall quality of procts is stable, and continue to develop good.
Orders less 2.M, and every order imbalance;
M HS in 2013 797 tons, an average of 66.4 tons per month,and order quantity is uneven, some months quantity is less than 1 tons. HS in early 13 because of MISANO order is notmuch, for other company's order (mostly booked orders a year), it is bound to affect the M order proction.
3 because of the natural gas, raw materials, labor costsincreased substantially, greatly improve the proction cost of the proct, while M and HS agreed price is agreed,from 2012 June, ring the HS proposed several timesover the price, M No. M now the price and other companiesfor some of the price gap.
The continuous appreciation of RMB 4 against the dollar,seriously affected the export price;
Since the 2012 June agreed price, the RMB has appreciated 4.73%, namely M payment settlement into RMB, we get the price of 4.73% less. The company to export procts is generally 6 months or 1 years a price adjustment, but the M has 1 years 7 months did not adjust the price. HS is required to make adjustments to the price.
On the problems and requirements, hope to be negotiatedand solved as soon as possible.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-27 15:21

The situation of HS material and things need to be solved in 2013, in order to making clear on the cooperation between M and HS and its working points and requirements, now to make summary on the past year....追问继续吧亲。。。在线等。。。非常谢谢你。。实在是没招了。。老板不让用翻译软件翻肿么办啊

热心网友 时间:2023-11-27 15:22

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