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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-15 20:08



热心网友 时间:2024-03-19 21:08

1 It's so nice to hear you.Do you load down and take your package?
2 I have arranged a hotel near the airport for you .it's just a 10 minutes'walk
3 The clerk from the hotel will take a board printed your name and stand at the exit.He will take you to the hotel
4 You can have a rest in the hotel.2 hours later,as long as Rick come,I will call you . The driver will take Rick to the hotel to see you

热心网友 时间:2024-03-19 21:08

1 It's so nice to hear you.Do you load down and take your package?
2 I have arranged a hotel near the airport for you .it's just a 10 minutes'walk
3 The clerk from the hotel will take a board printed your name and stand at the exit.He will take you to the hotel
4 You can have a rest in the hotel.2 hours later,as long as Rick come,I will call you . The driver will take Rick to the hotel to see you

热心网友 时间:2024-03-19 21:09

1) It is nice to receive your vall. Have you landed and received your luggage?
2) I already booked hotel nearby airport for you to take a rest, it is just 10-minute walk.
3) Hotel will arrange to pick you up on airport. They will take the sign with your name on Arriving to send you to hotel.
4) You can take a brake in hotel first. I will call you when Ricks reaches in tow hours. The driver will send Rick to meet you in your hotel.

热心网友 时间:2024-03-19 21:09

1) It is nice to receive your vall. Have you landed and received your luggage?
2) I already booked hotel nearby airport for you to take a rest, it is just 10-minute walk.
3) Hotel will arrange to pick you up on airport. They will take the sign with your name on Arriving to send you to hotel.
4) You can take a brake in hotel first. I will call you when Ricks reaches in tow hours. The driver will send Rick to meet you in your hotel.
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