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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-15 19:10



热心网友 时间:2024-02-27 05:58

Now I am about to depart on a distant expedition, I write this with tears and clearly know what I have said.


The First Ruler had accomplished but half his great task at his death. At this moment the empire is in three parts, and our country is weak; it is a most critical moment for us. Still, ministers are not remiss in the capital, and loyal and devoted soldiers sacrifice their lives abroad, for they still remember the special kindness of the First Ruler and wish to show their gratitude to him by service to Your Majesty. Therefore it would be indeed fitting that you should extend your holy virtue to glorify his virtuous memory in the stimulation of the will of your purposeful officers. Your Majesty should not lose yourself in the pursuit of mean things, quoting phrases to confound the eternal principles of rectitude, and so preventing remonstrance from honest people. One rule applies to the palace of the Emperor and the residence of a courtier; there must be one law rewarding the good and punishing the evil. Evil-doers and law-breakers, as also true and good people, should be dealt with according to their deserts by the officers concerned in order to manifest Your Majesty's impartial and enlightened administration. Partiality is wrong, as is one law for the court and another for the regions.

The High Ministers Fei Yi, Guo You, and Dong Yun are honest men, devotedly anxious to be loyal to the last degree; wherefore His Late Majesty chose them in his testament. My advice is to consult them in all Palace matters, great or small, before taking action. Your Majesty will reap the enormous advantage of having any failings corrected.

General Xiang Chong is a man of well-balanced temperament, versed in military matters, to whom, after testing him, the late Emperor applied the epithet 'capable'. The consensus of opinion is that Xiang Chong should be Grand Commander. My advice is to consult him in all military matters, great or small, whereby your military forces will yield their maximum, each one being employed to the best advantage.

Attract worthy people; repel mean ones. This policy achieved the glory of the Former Hans, while its reversal ruined the Latter Hans. When the late Emperor was with us, he often discussed this with your servant, and he took much to heart the story of Emperors Huan and Ling.

The Chair of the Secretariat Chen Zhen, Commander Zhang Si, and Minister Jiang Wan are both incorruptible and enlightened people, honest to the death. I wish that Your Majesty should have them near and hold them in confidence. If this be done, then the glory of the House of Han will be quickly consummated.

I was originally a private person, a farmer in Nanyang, concerned only to secure personal safety in a troubled age and not seeking conversation with the contending nobles. His Late Majesty, the First Ruler, overlooking the commonness of my origin, condescended to seek me thrice in my humble cot and consult me on the trend of events. His magnanimity affected me deeply, and I consented to do my utmost for him. Then came defeat, and I took office at a moment of darkest outlook and at a most difficult crisis. This is twenty-one years ago. The First Ruler recognized my diligent care, and when dying he confided the great task to me. From that day I have lived a life of anxiety lest I should fail in my trust and so dim his glory.

That is why I undertook the expedition to the lands beyond the River Lu. Now the Southern Mangs has been quelled, and our army is in good condition. I ought to lead it against the north, where I may meet with a measure of success in the removal of the wicked ones, the restoration of Han, and a return to the old capital. This is my ty out of gratitude to the late Emperor and loyalty to Your Majesty. As to a discussion of the pros and cons and giving a true version of the whole matter, that belongs to Guo You and Fei Yi and Dong Yun. I desire Your Majesty to confide to me the task of slaying the rebels and restoring the Hans. If I fail, then punish me by telling the spirit of the late Emperor. If you know not what restoration implies, that is the fault of your advisers.

Your Majesty should take pains to be guided into the right path and examine carefully what is laid before you, carefully remembering the late Emperor's testament.

I cannot express what would be my delight if you had the goodness to accept and act on my advice.

Now I am about to depart on a distant expedition, I write this with tears and clearly know what I have said.


热心网友 时间:2024-02-27 05:58

1楼的 不知所言 是不知道该说什么才好 的意思


It's time to leave.I burst into tears in fornt of the letter and do not know what to say.

热心网友 时间:2024-02-27 05:59

It's time to leave.I burst into tears with the letter and forget what I have said.
呵呵 怎样

热心网友 时间:2024-02-27 05:59


Now I am about to depart on a distant expedition, I write this with tears and clearly know what I have said.附上出师表英文 出师表---英文版 The First Ruler had accomplished but half his great task at his death. At this moment the empire is in three parts, and our country ...




My only desire is to be permitted to drive out the traitors and restore the Han. If I should let you down, punish my offense and report it to the spirit of the late Emperor.陛下亦宜自谋,以咨诹善道,察纳雅言。深追先帝遗诏,臣不胜受恩感激。今当远离,临表涕零,不知所言。...


今当远离,临表涕零,不知所言。 出师表(翻译) 先帝开创的事业没有完成一半,却中途去世了。现在天下分裂成三个国家。蜀汉民力困乏,这实在是危急存亡的时候啊。然而朝中官员在首都毫不懈怠,忠诚有志的将士在外面舍生忘死,是因为追念先帝对他们的特殊厚待,想要在陛下身上报恩啊。实在应该广泛地听取意见,发扬先帝遗...


愿陛下托臣以讨贼兴复之效,不效则治臣之罪,以告先帝之灵。若无兴德之言,则责攸之、祎、允等之慢,以彰其咎;陛下亦宜自谋,以咨诹善道,察纳雅言。深追先帝遗诏,臣不胜受恩感激。   今当远离,临表涕零,不知所言。翻译:希望陛下责成我去讨伐奸贼并取得成效,如果不取得成效,那...


今当远离,临表涕零,不知所言。《出师表》赏析 《出师表》以恳切的言辞,针对当时的局势,反复劝勉刘禅要继承先主刘备的遗志,开张圣听,赏罚严明,亲贤远佞,以完成“兴复汉室”的大业,表现了诸葛亮“北定中原”的坚强意志和对蜀汉忠贞不二的品格。 上半部分,分析当时不容懈怠的政治形势,阐述开张圣听、内外同法、亲信...


如果你要现代正常翻译,大概如下 如今我要离开您了(去打仗),对着这张出师表泪流不止,不知道说什么了。火星文,我不会


今当远离,临表涕零,不知所言。 《出师表》译文: 先帝开创的大业未完成一半却中途去世了。现在天下分为三国,指蜀汉国力薄弱,处境艰难。这确实是国家危急存亡的时期啊。不过宫廷里侍从护卫的官员不懈怠,战场上忠诚有志的将士们奋不顾身,大概是他们追念先帝对他们的特别的知遇之恩(作战的原因),想要报答在陛下您身上...





今当远离临表涕零不知所言翻译 临表涕零,不知所言 零表涕零不知所言 临表涕零不知所言蕴含的感情 今当远离的当 今当远离的当什么意思 不知所言 临表涕零 临表涕零什么意思
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