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软件工程师 英文介绍
2024-05-03 09:39:23 责编:小OO

:软件工有来有往程师英文陡峭是Sof以身许国twar呼之欲出e En买椟还珠gine标致华贵er,是乘车入鼠穴从事软件祸生于纤纤职业的人指挥若定通宵达旦员的一种慧眼职业能力雅俗共赏的认证,自力更生闻风而动通过它说门庭若市不得要领明具备了俏丽工程师的不以人废言资格。软顾头不顾尾件工程师自信聪慧是从事软吃粮不管事件开发相快刀斩乱丝关工作的礼多人不怪将相出寒门人员的统荐贤不荐愚称。它是漂亮一个广义纤弱单薄的概念,酒后吐真言包括软件不以词害意吃硬不吃软设计人员大事不糊涂观者如堵墙、软件架不卑不亢构人员、春色软件工程雷厉风行管理人员富态丰腴、程序员功到自然成等一系列春风得意岗位,工疾风扫秋叶蒹葭倚玉树作内容都温暖美目与软件开吟诵标致发生产相富贵不能淫关。软件蔚为壮观工程师的变幻无常技术要求赶鸭子上架是比较全潇洒面的,除欢娱嫌夜短了最基础鸡肥不下蛋的编程语吟诵言(C语空口说白话言/C+报喜不报忧隔行如隔山+/JA声振林木VA等)唯才是举、数据库精益求精技术(S欢喜QL/O转悲为喜RACL报喜不报忧隔行如隔山E/DB多此一举2等)等人来人往,还有诸浓黑多如JA神出鬼没VASC刻苦RIPT黑漆皮灯笼、AJA坚定X、HI悦耳BERN守株待兔ATE、紧行无善踪SPRI举一反三NG等前海波不惊沿技术。弱不禁风此外,关自食其力于网络工肝胆相照程和软件积少成多蔓草荒烟测试的其官无三日紧他技术也夹板医驼子要有所涉恶虎不食子猎。内容来自懂视网(www.xyx234.com),请勿采集!




  面试自我介绍,是面试过程中的一个必要的环节。那么 面试如何自我介绍 呢?尤其是做英语面试自我介绍,这是很多求职者的一个致命的弱点。其实,只要掌握了 面试自我介绍技巧 和 面试自我介绍原则 ,英文面试自我介绍就不成问题了。下面提供一篇软件工程师英文面试自我介绍,给大家做为参考。

  I’m Cheers.Lee, I’m twenty-six year old, I majored in E-business and with a bachelor degree. I’m single. And I love software testing, as the software quality is vital to the company’s customer, it also could improve the company’s image, so quality is the best policy. We must devote all my energy to assure the software quality.

  The position which I’ve come to apply is senior software testing engineer. I have three years work experience, one year and a half of function testing experience and one year of performance and automation testing experience. I have been reading up on software testing, especially on performance testing and automation testing. I’m quite familiar with performance testing toolLoadRunner, and familiar with automation testing tool QTP. I’m good at developing performance testing script base on C language in web system, and also have good skills in develop QTP script.

  As we all know that software performance has become more and more important, while thousands of the users log in the system or visit the website simultaneously, the problem may occurred, the system crash or the server deny to provide the service to the user, so the performance testing need to be done before the software delivered to our customers.

  We also benefit from the automation testing. There is always a lot of function testing or regression testing need us to finish in a short time. But we do not have enough time and sufficient human resource to complete it, how should we do? So the automation testing is the best solution. It cut down the costs, improve the work efficiency, save our time and energy. Its advantage is not merely as so.



  Q: Could you project what you would like to be doing five years from now on?

  A: Perhaps, an opportunity at a management position would be more exciting.


  Q: Why did you leave your current job?

  A: Well, I’m hoping to get an offer of a better position. I desired a challenge position which could improve my skills in testing field, especially I want to specialize in automation testing and performance testing field. I also like work in a bilingual work environment which could improve my oral English.


  Q: How will you handle the problem as the work which has been assigned to your colleagues, but they did not lie in with what you have assigned to them?

  A: Maybe the mutual communication was not enough, or the arrangement was unreasonable. Adjust the arrangement in a reasonable scope, and have totally communication with relative person. In a word, all our effort was focus on improve the efficiency.


  Q: There is one time or twice conference call at 7-8 o’clock a week, what will happen to you?

  A: As to me, I will attend the meeting on time, and take notes on every important point; As long as we doing that, our work would be more efficient and our proct quality would be improved.


  更多相关的文章推荐,大家敬请继续阅读: 面试英语自我介 绍     研究生面试英语自我介绍    财务面试英文自我介绍




  面试自我介绍,是面试过程中的一个必要的环节。那么 面试如何自我介绍 呢?尤其是做英语面试自我介绍,这是很多求职者的一个致命的弱点。其实,只要掌握了 面试自我介绍技巧 和 面试自我介绍原则 ,英文面试自我介绍就不成问题了。下面提供一篇软件工程师英文面试自我介绍,给大家做为参考。

  I’m Cheers.Lee, I’m twenty-six year old, I majored in E-business and with a bachelor degree. I’m single. And I love software testing, as the software quality is vital to the company’s customer, it also could improve the company’s image, so quality is the best policy. We must devote all my energy to assure the software quality.

  The position which I’ve come to apply is senior software testing engineer. I have three years work experience, one year and a half of function testing experience and one year of performance and automation testing experience. I have been reading up on software testing, especially on performance testing and automation testing. I’m quite familiar with performance testing toolLoadRunner, and familiar with automation testing tool QTP. I’m good at developing performance testing script base on C language in web system, and also have good skills in develop QTP script.

  As we all know that software performance has become more and more important, while thousands of the users log in the system or visit the website simultaneously, the problem may occurred, the system crash or the server deny to provide the service to the user, so the performance testing need to be done before the software delivered to our customers.

  We also benefit from the automation testing. There is always a lot of function testing or regression testing need us to finish in a short time. But we do not have enough time and sufficient human resource to complete it, how should we do? So the automation testing is the best solution. It cut down the costs, improve the work efficiency, save our time and energy. Its advantage is not merely as so.



  Q: Could you project what you would like to be doing five years from now on?

  A: Perhaps, an opportunity at a management position would be more exciting.


  Q: Why did you leave your current job?

  A: Well, I’m hoping to get an offer of a better position. I desired a challenge position which could improve my skills in testing field, especially I want to specialize in automation testing and performance testing field. I also like work in a bilingual work environment which could improve my oral English.


  Q: How will you handle the problem as the work which has been assigned to your colleagues, but they did not lie in with what you have assigned to them?

  A: Maybe the mutual communication was not enough, or the arrangement was unreasonable. Adjust the arrangement in a reasonable scope, and have totally communication with relative person. In a word, all our effort was focus on improve the efficiency.


  Q: There is one time or twice conference call at 7-8 o’clock a week, what will happen to you?

  A: As to me, I will attend the meeting on time, and take notes on every important point; As long as we doing that, our work would be more efficient and our proct quality would be improved.


  更多相关的文章推荐,大家敬请继续阅读: 面试英语自我介 绍     研究生面试英语自我介绍    财务面试英文自我介绍
