
long to do sth/ for sth(doing sth) be eager to do sth/for sth(doing sth) be dying to do sth/for sth(doing sth) one's desire for sth/to do sth


1、wish to do sth. 2、hope to do sth.3、want to do sth.4、would like to do sth.5、be dying to do sth. 6、look forward to doing sth.7、expect to do sth.8、prefer to do sth.

want 的用法有几种??是什么??

1.want sth/sb.想要某物或者某人 2.want to do sth.想要做某事 3.want sb to do sth.想让某人做某事


5. be dying to do sth. - 表达强烈的渴望,就像“冯巩小品中那句经典的‘我想死你们了’,dying一词生动描绘了迫不及待的心情。”6. look forward to doing sth. - 预期中的期待,如“I look forward to working with you, anticipating a productive collaboration.” 注意这里的“to”是介词...


除了want to 之外还有更加深刻的表达想要做某事:eager to do sth,dying to do sth,aching for sth。渴望做某事 1.I am eager to know about your life in the university.我渴望了解你在大学里的生活。2.he was eager to find a new job。他渴望找到一个新工作。3.I am eager to find ...


want to do sth.feel like doing sth.would like to do sth.wish to do sth.be dying to do sth. 渴望做某事 be keen on (doing) sth. 热衷于做某事 望采纳,嘿嘿!O(∩_∩)O~


can't wait to do sth. , be eager to do sth. ,be anxious to do sth. ,long to do sth. ,look forward to doing sth.


渴望做某事的英语短语是desire to do sth或be eager to do sth。重点词汇解释:1、desire n. 欲望;要求,心愿 vt. 想要;要求;希望得到 vi. 渴望 双语例句:Compassion is a desire within us to help others.同情是我们内心想要帮助他人的一种欲望。2、eager adj. 渴望的;热切的;热心的 双...

渴望做某事,有be thirsty to和be desire for这种用法吗?

不常用 其他有:desire sth./to do sth.have desire to do sth.(此处desire是名词)be anxious for sth.be anxious to do sth.一般习惯用语:be eager for 渴望, 渴求, 争取 be eager about 渴望, 渴求, 争取 be eager after 渴望, 渴求, 争取 be eager to do 急欲, 渴望做 ...

be keen on和be keen to有什么区别呢?

"Be keen on" 和 "be keen to" 都表示对某事物感兴趣或渴望做某事,但它们在使用上有一些区别。1. **Be keen on**:"Be keen on" 表示对某事物或某活动感兴趣,愿意参与或喜欢某样东西。这种表达通常用于描述对一种兴趣、爱好或喜好的态度。例如:- I am keen on playing basketball.(我...