
01 催促下单,库存不多 Dear X,Thank you for your inquiry.Yes, we have this item in stock. How many do you want? Right now, we only have X lots of the X color left. Since they are very popular, the product has a high risk of selling out soon. Please place your order ...


2. Landing the First Communication: Follow-Up Email敲定第一次沟通:后续电子邮件这将用作上述电子邮件的后续(第二天或下一周)。我建议使用这样的主题行:Sorry I Missed You。我们的研究发现使用这样的主题行,邮件的打开率在30%-40%。Hi [Prospect],Quickly following up on my email from yesterday. I trie...


Dear Sir/madam how are you these days . would you let me know .what time are you going to give us order ? _e can prepare ahead of time for you. expecting your reply . 希望对你有帮助。


请帮我用英文回复一下邮件 Thank you for your mail. The new er of the reception have taken the first interview already by the personnel department and I will give the further interview in the meeting room tomorrow. Moreover, there are several members in administration department woul...


Dear Sir/madam how are you these days .would you let me know .what time are you going to give us order ?we can prepare ahead of time for you.expecting your reply .希望对你有帮助


William Smith 敬启者:贵方3月20日要求退回按照贵客户指定设计和规格制作的10个花瓶的来信收悉。由于该订单是专门订造的,所以恕难接受退货。上述事宜,还望谅察。威廉•史密斯 谨上 拒绝临时取消订单英文邮件范文 Dear Sir,Thank you for your letter of March 15.We are very sorry that we...


请您尽快建议我们您对ABC反馈(或者请您尽快反馈ABC产品的确认情况),因为我们已经收到了来自H的订单。如果它已经被确认,我们将安排生产,如果没有,我们可以尽快为您重新安排打样。另外D盒子我们马上完成,将在后天发送给你。Since we have already received the orders from H, please give us your ...


期盼贵公司下试订单。李华 谨上 商品出货通知英文邮件范文 Dear Mr. Frank,We hereby notify that we have shipped your order NO.2011 of March 1, 2011. And please check the relevant shipping documents I have faxed to you.If everything is ok, you are to receive the goods you ...


Hello Dear,do you have interest in our products? if yes, please let me know which one you are prefer?i will give you a competitive price(如果没报价的话)I HOPE TO DO BUSINESS WITH YOU, LOOKING FORWARD TO YOUR GOOD NEWS.简单明了, 外国人不喜欢啰嗦、、、...


Dear consultant, it's been a week since our conversation last time. I want to know further information of my order. I like the goods I bought this time very much,and I want to see it soon, so I want to ask if the order has been delivered and I hope to get the ...