
介绍一道菜英语作文 篇1 In Jiangsu cuisine, there is a well-known dish called Sweet and Sour Mandarin Fish. And it is universally acknowledged that this dish is the representative of Jiangsu cuisine.This dish is prepared with more than 9 main ingredients including fish, cooking win...


介绍一道菜的英语作文篇一 Hi,everyone.Today I'd like to introduce a dish that I really like.It's beaf steak.Let me tell you how to cook it.First,get the pieces of steak ready.Remember not to wash them with water.Put some salt on them.Then,heat the pan with big fire,a...


展开全部 用英语介绍自己爱吃的食物句子如下: 1、Eating pizza is one of my favorite pastimes. 2、I love the combination of cheese, tomato sauce, and various toppings. 3、The smell and taste of freshly baked pizza are always irresistible. 抢首赞 评论 分享 举报 为...


我最喜欢吃的一道菜就是糖醋里脊了,想起酸甜酥脆的糖酷里脊,我的口水都要流出来了。把里脊肉洗净切成长条,放适量盐、白胡粉、蛋清、放姜汁拌匀,腌制一会儿,然后撒上生粉。Then fry in an oil pan. After frying, use another pan, put the ketchup, sugar and a little water. After boiling...


This money is given to children for good luck .People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune .介绍一道菜英语作文篇二 Today I would like to tell you how to cook Great Chicken Sandwich.You need three slices of bread,jam,chicken,cabbage and some salt.Firstly,you need...


回答:put all things in and fire. that's all

英语作文 题目是你喜欢做的一道菜 要写才的名字 材料 需要多少 不要太 ...

我最爱的一道菜:莲藕排骨汤 莲藕排骨汤十分有营养,主料是莲藕和排骨,主要制作方法是炖。莲藕排骨肉类和蔬菜可以平衡营养,可以作为滋补汤食用。原料:莲藕200克,排骨300克,3颗枣。调料:葱10克,姜10克,盐8克,胡椒粉5克,料酒10克,烹调油30毫升。制作步骤:把排骨切成段块,莲藕洗净后,用...

英语作文 你印象最深的一道菜

我最爱的一道菜:莲藕排骨汤 莲藕排骨汤十分有营养,主料是莲藕和排骨,主要制作方法是炖.莲藕排骨肉类和蔬菜可以平衡营养,可以作为滋补汤食用.原料:莲藕200克,排骨300克,3颗枣.调料:葱10克,姜10克,盐8克,胡椒粉5克,料酒10克,烹调油30毫升.制作步骤:把排骨切成段块,莲藕洗净后,用小刀刮去表面的...




is pasting, and pinch it. Look, the dumplings will be finished! Finally, the most simple step, also is the second important step, pust the dumplings into the pot that fills in the hot water. When the third time that dumplings float on the water, you can eat it!