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护师考试重要考点习题自测 (内附答案) 考前一测:中级会计职称《经济法》考前预测卷及答案 会计本科中的《成本会计》试题有哪些?快来看看今日干货 海尔专卖店,用户时代即将开启 考前必看!历年英语四级考试汉译英真题解析 汽车行驶中爆胎了应该怎么办?学会这些可以保命 考前一测:中级会计职称《财务管理》考前试题及答案 《成本会计》精选练习题,会计本科练习题 选择题小练:护师考试选择题模拟训练 四招轻松过英语四级口语考试,一起来看看吧! 考前模拟练习:注册会计师考试《审计》试题答案与解析 《审计学》经典习题,会计专科习题 车子玻璃保养的方法有这些,你知道吗? kindle或将从中国市场退出?亚马逊官方作出了最新回应 英语四级考试最容易出错的151组词汇 考前冲刺题:注册会计师《财务成本管理》试题及答案 林内热水器,高端热水市场领跑者 会计专科《审计学》经典习题 考前模拟题:注册会计师考试《会计》综合提升练习题 必做练习!2021年12月英语四级真题试卷(第一部分) 每日一练:《成本会计》习题干货 英语四级考试热点话题高分范文(三) 新风空调,满足消费者需求的第三代空调 每日一练:初级护师重要考点练习题 考前一测:中级会计职称考试《经济法》冲刺题 《成本会计》考前必练,会计本科精选习题 车辆行驶中出现故障应该如何处理?教你几个办法,非常管用 临床执业医师考试《药理学》自我检测习题 英语四级考试热点话题高分范文(二) 考前冲刺题:中级会计职称考试《财务管理》临考冲刺题 英语四级考试热点话题高分范文(一) 临床执业医师考试《外科学》选择题精选 会计本科《成本会计》精选小练习 卡梭绞肉机,助你调馅轻松 纯干货!英语四级考试写作经典句型 汽车遇到这些问题可以自己解决,不要去修理店白白浪费钱 每周一练:中级会计职称考试《中级会计实务》自测试题及答案 临床执业医师解剖学选择题答案及解析 管理会计的习题干货,会计本科经典习题 每日一练:临床执业医师儿科学试题
问答文章1 问答文章501 问答文章1001 问答文章1501 问答文章2001 问答文章2501 问答文章3001 问答文章3501 问答文章4001 问答文章4501 问答文章5001 问答文章5501 问答文章6001 问答文章6501 问答文章7001 问答文章7501 问答文章8001 问答文章8501 问答文章9001 问答文章9501
2022-01-05 09:25:29 责编:李赢赢



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Loss of Trust following the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

1. 人们之间开始出现信任危机

2. 信任危机造成的不良影响

3. 我认为有哪些合适的解决方法


Loss of Trust

With the development of national economy, a worrying social problem also arises—people gradually have less and less trust in each other, especially among strangers.

This phenomenon will bring about many unfavorable consequences. First and foremost, people will lose a lot of fun since they become cautious all the time for lack of trust. What makes the matter worse is that the general expense of doing things will rise abruptly as a result of the fact that people don't believe in each other. Thus, it is high time that we called on all sides to deal with this problem properly. For one thing, the government should make all efforts to create a harmonious social atmosphere. For another, the mass media should play a positive role in restoring mutual trust.

Whether this problem is a natural result of social development or not, it is important that we find a satisfactory solution to it now.


national economy(国民经济)、a worrying social problem(一个令人担忧的社会问题)


bring about...(带来……)、cautious(谨慎的)、abruptly(突然)、call on(号召)、restore(恢复)




Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should Young People Be Obedient to Their Parents? following the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

1. 有人认为年轻人应该事事都要遵从父母的安排

2. 有人认为年轻人应该有个性,想我所想,做我所做

3. 我的观点


Should Young People Be Obedient to Their Parents?

There is a public controversy over the issue whether youngsters should be obedient to their parents. Some people take it for granted that children should follow what their parents have arranged for them. In their opinions, parents who are generally more mature and experienced can offer their offspring wise suggestions when they encounter stumbling blocks. In addition, obedience has always been considered as a traditional virtue of the Chinese people. Moreover, it is sensible enough for children to follow the orders of their parents to show their gratitude.

Nevertheless, others maintain that constant intervention from the parents does harm to the development of the young. The young should make important decisions in their life by themselves. Besides, as everyone is unique in the world and has his own personality, the youngsters should think by themselves, form their own ideas, and cultivate creativity.

As far as I'm concerned, we can follow the recommendations offered by our parents, but too much control from our parents will not prepare us well for our future life. We should learn to face the world full of challenges and uncertainties by ourselves.


controversy(争论,争辩)、obedient(服从的,顺从的)、mature(成熟的,理智的)、a traditional virtue(一个传统美德)、gratitude(感激)


constant(不断的)、do harm to...(对……有害)、unique(独一无二的)、personality(品质,个性)、cultivate creativity(培养创新能力)


recommendation(提议)、prepare sb. well(使某人作好充分准备)、uncertainty(令人无把握的局面)


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Key to Becoming Elite following the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

1. 有人认为成才的关键是个人能力

2. 有人认为成才的关键是外部机遇

3. 我的观点


The Key to Becoming Elite

Different people hold quite different opinions about the key to becoming a talented person. Many people assert that personal abilities count for much. They maintain such an opinion because a lot of people stand out in their peers for their remarkable capacities. However, others believe that opportunities play a vital role in one's success, which helps to explain why some people become prominent while others with similar talent are left behind.

As far as I'm concerned, capabilities are much more important than opportunities for a person to become elite. First, there are various chances in our society but only those who are adequately prepared can make good use of them and achieve their goals. Second, without a ready mind, golden opportunities may slip through one's fingers. Last but not least, whether there are favorable opportunities or not, what we should do is to learn and improve ourselves constantly.

In a word, we can take advantage of opportunities to achieve success but never can they be a precondition for success. Comparatively speaking, personal abilities are more important for a person to become elite.


assert(断言)、count for much(重要,有价值)、stand out(出色)、prominent(杰出的,著名的)


adequately(充分地)、make good use of...(充分利用……)、a ready mind(一个有准备的头脑)


take advantage of...(充分利用……)、precondition(前提,先决条件)、comparatively speaking(相对而言)


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Certificate Craze on Campus following the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

1. 当今大学生需要通过各种资格认证考试,以获得相应的证书

2. 参加这些考试并获得证书的必要性

3. 我的观点


Certificate Craze on Campus

Nowadays each college student must have a pile of various certificates upon graduation, such as National Computer Rank Examination Certificate and Accounting Qualification Certificate. Many people believe that it is necessary to get these certificates though we may need to spend much time on the examinations.

First of all, the certificates are the proof of college graduates' capabilities to some extent. Besides, with these certificates, it is much easier for graduates to

be regarded as qualified applicants in  job hunting and attract the attention of various employers. Most importantly, college students can acquire extensive knowledge in the process of preparing for the examinations.

For my part, the certificates are just a means to measure college students' abilities while the knowledge acquired is truly beneficial and powerful.


National Computer Rank Examination Certificate(全国计算机等级考试证书)、Accounting Qualification Certificate(会计从业资格证)


proof(证明,证据)、to some extent(在某种程度上)、be regarded as...(被认为是……)、extensive(大量的)、in the process of...(在……的过程中)


for my part(对于我来说)、means(方法,手段)、beneficial(有用的)、powerful(有影响力的)


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. Suppose you have two options upon the place to start a career: one is in a big city and the other in a small town. You are to make a decision. Write an essay to explain the reasons for your decision. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


To Start a Career in a Big City or a Small Town?

As regards where to start a career, there has been a heated discussion among college students. Graduates who prefer to stay in big cities after graduation believe that big cities mean more opportunities to see the big world and more space for career development.

By contrast, others are willing to start a career in small towns. According to a recent survey, a high proportion of college graduates want to have a quieter and less competitive life. In addition, by working in small towns, they can easily get the management's attention and may win promotion easier.

As far as I am concerned, I prefer to start a career in a big city like Beijing where I can meet people from different places and cultures because I will learn from them what I cannot get from textbooks.


a heated discussion(一场激烈的讨论)、more space for career development(更广阔的职业发展空间)




as far as I am concerned(就我而言)、people from different places and cultures(来自不同地方和不同文化的人)


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专题护师考试重要考点习题自测 (内附答案)护师考试重要考点习题自测 (内附答案)专题考前一测:中级会计职称《经济法》考前预测卷及答案考前一测:中级会计职称《经济法》考前预测卷及答案专题会计本科中的《成本会计》试题有哪些?快来看看今日干货会计本科中的《成本会计》试题有哪些?快来看看今日干货专题海尔专卖店,用户时代即将开启海尔专卖店,用户时代即将开启专题考前必看!历年英语四级考试汉译英真题解析考前必看!历年英语四级考试汉译英真题解析专题汽车行驶中爆胎了应该怎么办?学会这些可以保命汽车行驶中爆胎了应该怎么办?学会这些可以保命专题考前一测:中级会计职称《财务管理》考前试题及答案考前一测:中级会计职称《财务管理》考前试题及答案专题《成本会计》精选练习题,会计本科练习题《成本会计》精选练习题,会计本科练习题专题选择题小练:护师考试选择题模拟训练选择题小练:护师考试选择题模拟训练专题四招轻松过英语四级口语考试,一起来看看吧!四招轻松过英语四级口语考试,一起来看看吧!专题考前模拟练习:注册会计师考试《审计》试题答案与解析考前模拟练习:注册会计师考试《审计》试题答案与解析专题《审计学》经典习题,会计专科习题《审计学》经典习题,会计专科习题专题车子玻璃保养的方法有这些,你知道吗?车子玻璃保养的方法有这些,你知道吗?专题kindle或将从中国市场退出?亚马逊官方作出了最新回应kindle或将从中国市场退出?亚马逊官方作出了最新回应专题英语四级考试最容易出错的151组词汇英语四级考试最容易出错的151组词汇专题考前冲刺题:注册会计师《财务成本管理》试题及答案考前冲刺题:注册会计师《财务成本管理》试题及答案专题林内热水器,高端热水市场领跑者林内热水器,高端热水市场领跑者专题会计专科《审计学》经典习题会计专科《审计学》经典习题专题考前模拟题:注册会计师考试《会计》综合提升练习题考前模拟题:注册会计师考试《会计》综合提升练习题专题必做练习!2021年12月英语四级真题试卷(第一部分)必做练习!2021年12月英语四级真题试卷(第一部分)专题西安一码通又罢工,无法查询核酸检测结果西安一码通又罢工,无法查询核酸检测结果专题轮胎保养的方法有这些,一般人都能做轮胎保养的方法有这些,一般人都能做专题会计专科中《审计学》的经典习题你做了吗?会计专科中《审计学》的经典习题你做了吗?专题必做练习!2021年12月英语四级真题试卷(第二部分)必做练习!2021年12月英语四级真题试卷(第二部分)专题考前必刷题:注册会计师考试《税法》经典习题及答案考前必刷题:注册会计师考试《税法》经典习题及答案专题2021年,洗地机迅速占领市场的一年2021年,洗地机迅速占领市场的一年专题《审计学》中的经典多选题你了解吗?《审计学》中的经典多选题你了解吗?专题汽车空调如何保养?看完你就知道了汽车空调如何保养?看完你就知道了专题坐飞机不用收燃油费了,1月5日施行坐飞机不用收燃油费了,1月5日施行专题考前一测:注册会计师考试《公司战略与风险管理》提分试题考前一测:注册会计师考试《公司战略与风险管理》提分试题专题