
capture造句:Swanson persuaded Hubley to work undercover to capture the killer.斯旺森说服了赫布利秘密工作以捕获凶手。Her paintings capture the subtle hues of the countryside in autumn.她的油画捕捉住了秋天乡村的微妙色调。What if we capture all of the valence electrons?如果我们捕获了所有价...


7、caption text:标题文本。8、capture text:捕获文本。三、造句 1、The text is all in lower case.正文一律用小写字体。2、Look at line 5 of the text.看正文第5行。3、Text me when you're on your way.路上给我发短信吧。4、This text is an animadversion to comment on an arti...




严捕 马捕 兜捕 捕生 捕书 题捕 油捕 治捕 捉捕 追捕 捕获 渔捕 捕鱼 采捕 捕房 逮捕 捕拿 捕快 捕食 缉捕 捕厅 巡捕 搜捕 被捕 微捕 逐捕 抗捕 饬捕 拒捕 捕捉 捕捞 探捕 察捕 拘捕 挨捕 系风捕景 螳螂捕蝉 捉影捕风 捕风捉影 握风捕影 寻风捕影 系风捕影 捉风捕影 掩目...



come的反义词为go come的意思是拿来、取来 go的意思是去 希望能够帮到您,谢谢!

用kill...for...和on earth 造句速度,谢谢

Hunters kill animals for practical purposes.猎人杀动物是为了实际的目的。who on earth was doing it? (究竟的意思)究竟是什么人在做呢?These photos capture some relaxing paradises on Earth.(在地球上的意思)这些照片拍摄下了地球上一些最闲适的天堂。

Candy Land是什么意思

字面意思是糖果土地,延生意思为糖果乐园,造句可以是:Candy Land.Wow.How will they possibly capture all the game's intricacies in just one film?意思是:糖果乐园,哇,他们能够做到把游戏里所有错综复杂的关系放进一部电影?


所虏获人畜最富。」( ) ★「虏获」在《汉语大词典》第12006页 第8卷 850 ★「虏获」在《现代汉语词典》第843页 参见:虏获 虏获的英语单词1.capture;seize 用虏获造句 1.船长将他的船凿沉,以免它被敌人虏获。 2.尽全力让自己在顾客感受到产品或服务明显的好处,用这种好处虏获顾客青睐。> ...

中国文化的 英语文章

as well as diet and peace and prosperity , diet and literary arts, diet and the relationship between the realm of life, deep broad.From the extension, China's food culture from the era and techniques, geographical and economic, ethnic and religion, food and utensils, consumption a...