
高考英语作文范文一: Spring is tht best season of the year. The weather gets warmer and warmer. My clas i'amates and I took a one-day sightseeing around our city.The scene was pretty. But when we saw the rivers along our city, I felt very sorry, and thoughit a lot....


高考英语作文带翻译精选1 It is well-known that smoke is bad for our health. But there are still many people addicted to it and find it hard to quit. It is a problem make many people confused. For this, I have some suggestions. Firstly, you have to aware the disadvantages of smoke. ...

高中英语作文带翻译 高考优秀作文范文模板

We should try our best to overcome the difficulties我们应该尽最大努力去克服困难。We should solve the problems that we are faced with我们应该解决我们面临的困难。高中优秀英语作文带翻译水的重要性The Importance of Water It is well-known that water is indispensable in existing, in producin...


Many years ago, a movie about youth became incredibly popular. Each year, we witness the release of numerous films that capture the essence of young protagonists' past. People's inclination to reminisce about their own youth contributes to the success of such movies. However, I've ...

高考英语作文范文(带翻译) 高考英语满分作文(带翻译) 谢谢

we should believe “Where there is a will ,there is a way ." And then try our best to make our dreams come true.梦想和现实 嫦娥奔月的美丽传说暗示着中国人民探索月球的梦想。几千年来,我们中国人一代又一代地 为这个梦想努力着。嫦娥一号月球探测器就是以这个神话故事命名的。嫦娥...


高考英语作文范文精选 Many years ago, the movie about the youth became very popular, every year, we can see many hot movies about the protagonist’s passed youth. People like to recall their passed youth, which makes such movies sell good. But I find the common things about ...


With fresh water, the world will be prosperous.高考英语满分作文翻译 人们普遍认为,淡水供应是很充足的。但令我们失望的是,事实上恰恰相反。我们可以看到,世界人口正在快速与日俱增。因此需要足够的淡水养活这么大的人口。更重要的是,随着工业的发展,工厂和汽车产生有毒气体或垃圾,从而导致水...


假设你李华,你的美国朋友Tom 上个月来北京学习。七月份你将去北京参加暑期中学生英语演讲比赛(speech contest),你在搜集资料,语言运用方面遇到了困难。请根据要点给Tom 写封email 1. 询问Tom的学习和生活情况 2. 谈谈你的困难并请他帮忙 3.你打算比赛后去看他。英语优秀作文 范文:Dear Tom,How...


英语作文70词带翻译(一)My best friend and I get along with each other quite well. But we are so different. He is funnier, more outgoing than I am and i'm more serious. He is more athletic and likes to play all kinds of sports but I am smarter on study. My friend is...


2017高考英语作文范文及翻译篇1 As the development of high technology, nowadays, people have access to all kinds of new products, these high technology products bring convenience to people’s life. Cell phone is one of the biggest inventions, people can keep in touch with eac...