characteristic、character的具体用法,是talk about my character/charac...

例: Individuality is a valued and inherent part of the British character.个性是英国人重视并固有的特征。my personality


character意思是:角色。although l could not understand everything the characters said的意思是:虽然我听不懂角色说的一切。1、character 英 [ˈkærəktə(r)] 美 [ˈkærəktɚ]n.性格;角色;特点;字母 vt.刻,印;使具有特征 He's begun ...

is character什么意思

双语例句 1 The only thing in the world not for sale is character.世界上唯一不能买卖的是人的人格。2 What is character but the determination of incident?除了事件的规定,人物还是什么? 3 He recognizes that leadership is character, and he is focused on building his ...


翻译:我从没看见过一个人物被描写得如此淋漓尽致。用法 n. (名词)character的基本意思是“个性”“特色”。主要指某人、事物或地点所具有的区别于他人、他物、他地点的所有属性,即某人、事物、地点具有的独特的品质或本质,也可指一个人根深蒂固的心理特征的综合,即个人特定的内在本质。多用作可...

you are a character怎样翻译最好?

这是这地道的英语~ 意思是你是独一无二的~ (具有你自己的特性的一个人~)希望帮到你哦~


favorite最喜欢的!my favorite teacher我最喜爱的老师!


][美][ˈkærəktɚ]n.性格; 特点; 字母; 角色;vt.刻,印; 使具有特征;第三人称单数:characters过去分词:charactered复数:characters现在进行时:charactering过去式:charactered 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句:1.The town itself is a character.小镇本身扮演着一个角色。

a strong character是什么意思

1 Oh yes, I have a strong character too, you'll see!噢,对了,我也是个脾气倔强的人,你会知道的!It is unthinkable that a strong character like Nancy should find a weak-willed man acceptable.象南希这样很有主见的女子竟然觉得一个意志软弱的男子也可以接受,真让人不可想象。3 If ...

翻译:He was a beautiful tabby with a great deal of character .



Character is what you are in the dark. You do not reveal your true character in the bright.Our Character is only shown when we are in the dark where nobody sees. People behave in certain way just beacause others are paying attention to them ,and that is not exactly what ...