Ugly Duckling(丑小鸭)The sun warm. The mother duck in the hay, and her child was born.Only a small ducks come out from the egg shell, leaving a particularly large eggs. After a fewdays, the eggs slowly opened, out of a big ugly duck. His gray hair, big mouth, thin b...
丑小鸭伤心地哭了。一个小姑娘走过来,说:“请到我家住吧!”Winter came,and it snowed heavily outside. The Ugly Duckling lived in the little girl’s warm wooden house.冬天到了,外面下着大雪。丑小鸭住在小姑娘温暖的木屋里。Spring came, the Ugly Duckling grew up-he turned into a w...
一天晚上,太阳正在下山,夕阳辉煌绚烂,一群漂亮的大鸟灌术丛中飞过来。丑小鸭从未看到过如此美丽的东西,他们长着弯曲的长颈,羽毛自得耀眼。他们是天鹅,发出一种奇特的叫声。他们展开美丽的宽阔的翅膀,离开寒冷的地区,向温暖的陆地和广阔的海洋飞去。They mounted so high, so very high, and the u...
《丑小鸭》是丹麦作家安徒生创作的童话。以下是励志网分享的丑小鸭的故事英文版,希望大家喜欢。 丑小鸭的故事英文版【1】 Ugly Duckling The countryside was lovely. It was summer. The wheat was golden and the oats were still green. The hay was stacked in the low-lying meadows. There lay great woods ...
Act 1 第一幕 The Ugly Duckling Hatches 丑小鸭出壳 (A mother duck sits on many eggs.)(鸭妈妈正在孵蛋。)Motber Duck: Oh,I am tired.I hope these eggs hatch soon. I wnat to swim in the water.鸭妈妈:噢,我很累。我希望这些蛋很快就能孵出小鸭子来。我想去水里游泳。(Crack!
丑小鸭只好离开池塘,朝着森林里走去…In the forest, the Ugly Duckling met a dog. Woof! Woof! I do not like you, go away! said the dog.在森林里,丑小鸭遇见了狗。狗说:“汪汪!汪汪!我不喜欢你,快走开!”On the hillside, the Ugly Duckling met a pig. The pig said:Oink!
after go through untold hardships, many tribulations grew into a white swan.I have learned a lot from it.我看过一篇感人的故事,它的名字叫《丑小鸭》。这篇故事讲述了一只天鹅蛋在鸭群中破壳后,因相貌怪异,让同类鄙弃,历经千辛万苦、重重磨难之后长成了白天鹅。我从中学到了很多。
英语故事阅读:The Ugly Duckling 丑小鸭 A mother duck was brooding on her eggs near the margin of a pond. A flock of lovely baby ducks was soon born, making sweet peeping sounds when the eggs were broken. But one egg remained unbroken. "It is strange. Why has this egg not ...
In the depths of a forest a duck was sitting in her nest. Her little ducklings were about to be hatched.At last one egg after another began to crack." Cheep, cheep!" the ducklings said." Quack, quack!" said the duck. " How big the world is!" said all the young ones...