both造句 一共三句话。

1、Both A and B:这是最常见的Both句型,用来表达两个事物之间的相似之处。例如:Both cats and dogs are popular pets.2、Both A and B, but A is more/less X than B:这种Both句型用来表达两个事物之间的对比关系,其中A和B都有一个共同的特征,但是A比B更加或更少地具有某种特征。例如...


Both of us thought so.我们俩都这样想的。My brother and my sister both ran to help me.我弟弟和我妹妹都跑来帮助我。Both of them like popular songs.他们两人都喜欢流行歌曲。Both her children go to the same school.她的两个孩子在同一个学校读书。conj.both... and...不但…而且…...


Both the horses were out, tacked up and ready to ride.两匹马都在门外被套上了马鞍,随时可以骑。CONJ You use the structure both...and when you are giving two facts or alternatives and emphasizing that each of them is true or possible. …和…都 例:Now women work both before...

both and 的用法

1. both用法\x0d\x0a1)adj. 两者\x0d\x0a一般单独修饰名词(复数)做前置定语(但名词前不能有其他限定词修饰),不做表语/补足语。\x0d\x0a如:There are many flowers on both sides of the street.\x0d\x0a2)pron. 两者\x0d\x0a可以单独使用(相当于名词),也可以构成“both...


1、Neither of them are students 他们都不是学生。both是半否定,Both of them are not students 他们不都是学生。2、both用于肯定句,neither用于否定句。Neither of them are students。3、both of + 表示部分否定,意思是:并不是两个都 ,比如:Both of them are students 。他们两个并不都...

both和both of的区别

both造句 1、But both require land.2、We are both stubborn.3、Both made of pine; both one inch thick.4、Both men are grumpy, but both reckon they will cope.5、Or a bit of both?6、These children are both mine.7、But I loved both places.8、You cannot have both together....

用Both A and B 造短语30个

both...and... 两个都;既…又…造句:Both his mother and his father will be there.他父母二人都要去那里。Now women work both before and after having their children.现在妇女在生孩子前后都要去工作。Any such action would have to be approved by both American and Saudi leaders....

both...and 造句

Bill is both a good swimmer and a good cook.比尔不仅是个游泳好手, 而且是个烹调能手。

用both……help to do造句?

both……help to do 造句:Both of the two methods help to work out the answer to this math problem.这两种方法都有助于解出这道数学题的答案。Both of their experiments help to prove the correctness of the theory the developed.他们的这两个实验都有助于验证他们创立的理论的正确性。


both… and…是个并列连词,意为“既……又……,……和……”,下面归纳下both and的用法。both… and… 连接的两个成分必须在形式、时态、词性等方面完全一致,可以是形容词、名词、动词和句子等,一般语法结构如下:both+形容词+and+形容词、both+名词+and+名词、both+句子+and+句子。造句如下...