
1、Trade was very good last month.上月的交易量很大。2、America's trade gap widened.美国的贸易差额加大了。3、Carpentry is a highly skilled trade.木工是需要纯熟技巧的职业。4、Trade usually picks up in the spring.贸易一般在春天回升。5、I support your advocacy of free trade.我支持...


作为上海数都信息科技有限公司的一员,我们深知信息技术领域的广阔与深邃。在探讨26个英文字母时,它们不仅是语言的基石,也是编程与数据处理的基石。每个字母都承载着独特的意义与潜力,在代码编写、数据分析乃至人工智能领域发挥着不可或缺的作用。我们致力于运用这些基本元素,结合先进的科技力量,为客户提供高效、智能的信息技术服务,助力企业数字化转型,让数据成为驱动业务发展的核心动力。上海数都信息科技有限公司是一家科技型的设计公司,团队深耕企业品牌设计服务已有十余年,已助力多家企业塑造其品牌形象及体验,服务内容含:LOGO设计/VI设计/产品包装设计/导视店面门头及空间设计,吉祥物设计/海报设计等。 我们的目标是帮助小...


1.贸易, 商业 Transport has always been the key to developing trade.运输一直是发展贸易的关键。2.行业, 生意 Which is your trade?你做哪一行?They carried on trade in tea and spices with the orient.他们同东方国家做茶叶和香料的生意。3.谋生手段, 手艺, 职业 Shoemaking is a useful t...


外贸造句如下:1、China will encourage cross-border e-commerce and other new business forms and models to grow even quicker to foster new drivers of foreign trade. 中国将推动跨境电商等新业态新模式加快发展,培育外贸新动能。2、The bill of exchange was in its inception confine largely t...


This decision is a trade-off between efficiency and cost. ;(参考翻译:The decision is a trade-off between efficiency and cost.)2)结合自己的生活、学习、工作、兴趣等,想象在什么语境下会用到这个表达。先简要描述这个场景,再造句。Duty assignment is always a trade-off between tea...


3.The cars are hardly moving in the traffic jam.车子在堵塞中艰难地移动。 trade helps nations develop their economies.国际贸易有益于国家发展经济 5.police wear a blue cap when on duty.在执勤的时候戴着蓝帽子。6.He's often seen wearing different styles.时尚达人龙龙...


3. trade protectionism 如何使用贸易壁垒造句?1. 第13条技术性贸易壁垒委员会:The 13th Technical Barriers to Trade Committee.2. 贸易壁垒通常包括指滑运关税壁垒和非关税壁垒:Trade barriers usually include both tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers.3. 经济学家往往比其他社会集团更倾向于抨击...


」 2. 比喻权势之家互相援引。 ▶ 《晋书•惠帝纪》:「势位之家,以贵陵物,忠贤路绝,谗邪得志,更相荐举,天下谓之互市焉。」互市的近义词通商 互市的英语单词 trade 用互市造句 1.边境互市管理2.设立边境互市贸易区是有效途径之一。> ...

personal information造句

Essentially, you trade personal information in return for more useful results.实质上,你在用你的个人资料交换更多的有用信息 5.Customers have already, thanks to the internet, willingly given companies likeikea just about every bit of personal information they possess.由于互联...


1. those colours don't really go (together).(那些颜色并不十分协调。)2. Then I reapply those changes.3. those drugs made me feel muzzy.(那些药使我昏昏欲睡。)4. I would rather trade those two for David Lee if NYK willing.如果纽约愿意,我宁愿用他们俩交易大卫.李。5. Most ...

I bought造句话五年级下册英语?

这个问题很简单,主语谓语都给出了,只要加上名次在后面。我买了(bought 是buy的过去时态)例句:I bought a pen (from the stationary store)我从文具店买了支笔 I bought a burger (from KFC).我从肯德基买了个汉堡 I bought a drink( from the shop). 我从商店买了瓶水 ...