英语单词求造句 急用!!!

Please fill out the form in block capitals.The flowers in the garden are now in full bloom.The I saw that I had been guilty of a careless blundertrees are in blossom.I saw that I had been guilty of a careless blunder.This pencil's blunt !The houses appeared as a blur ...


fill的造句如下:1、Please fill this glass for me/fill me this glass.请帮我把这杯子倒满。2、I filled in the registration card with my basic information.我用我的基本信息填满了登记卡。3、Could you fill out this registration card?您能填写一下登记卡吗?4、Your eye begins to fill ...

“leave out.”怎么造句?

leave one out cross validation loo交叉验证 cut out leave out 停止使用 “leave out.”造句如下:Scott, we don't want to leave out a favorite daughter from Illinois, of course, Hillary Clinton.NPR: Annoying Campaign Songs One of the interesting decisions Peel made was to leave out ...

英语造句 简单点的

fill up The cup is filled up with water.wash the dish I washed the dishes last night.soft drink Marry doesn't soft drinks at all.renember not to do Remember not to open the door when strangers are knocking.take a shower After supper, i take a lea...

fill a need;figure out造句

These food can fill a need for today and tomorrow这些食物可以满足今明两天的需求。Can you figure out what's wrong with the machine?你能找出这台机器的毛病出在哪里吗?


7. It took me quite a while to fill out the questionnaire.填写那份问卷花了我好长一段时间。8. | put the shirt in soapy water to soak out the stain.我将衬衫浸在肥皂水里以去除污渍。9. He is out and about now after two weeks in hospital.在医院住了两个礼拜後,现在他能...

take a seat 造句

Ladies and gentlemen, please take a seat, the show will begin soon.女士们先生们,请就坐,表演就要开始了.


The manager began with a blank sheet.经理从一张白纸开始。The entry name must contain at least one non-blank character.项目名必须含有至少一个非空白字符。


fill<>装满;填满 pleasure<>愉快;高兴 blind<>盲的 deaf<>聋的 unable<>不能的;不会的 cannot<>(=con’t) imagine<>想象 shut<>关上(门、窗、盖等)turn off关电器 carry<>搬运;携带 help(sb.)out<>帮组(某人)解决困难 specially<>特意地;专门地 fetch<>拿来;青来 at once<>立即;马上 suppor<>...

急! ! 英语词组造句

Please fill in the blanks in the sentence.请做这个句子的填空 We must find out the customs of other countries, so that they will not think us ill mannered.我们必须知道别的国家的习俗,免得他们会认为我们是没有礼貌的。Find out what the conditions of the contract are.弄清楚合同的...