外出就餐的英语短语 2020-09-02 09:58:43

1、in any case无论如何,总之 2、put / bring into operation使投入生,使运转 3、in case假如,万一 4、in order秩序井然,整齐 5、in no case决不 6、in order to为了 7、catch on理解,明白 8、carry off夺去 9、once more再一次,又一次 10、carry on继续下去,坚持下去 11、one anot...


1. Never say die.永不言败。2.No cross, no crown.不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。3.New wine in old bottles.旧瓶装新酒。4.Never too old to learn, never too late to turn.亡羊补牢,为时未晚。5.No garden without its weeds.没有不长草的园子。6.No living man all things can.世上没...

常用英语短语大全 Play it cool

give sb. an account of 说明, 解释 (理由)。a (great/wide) range of广泛的;许多的。a cloud of一大群;一大片。a good/great deal (of)许多,大量。account for (=give an explanation or reason for) 解释, 说明.be completely in the dark一无所知,仍蒙在鼓里。be cut out for......


最常用英语短语 1. get warm 变暖和 2. get well 痊愈 3. get together 团聚 4. get to 到达(某地)5. get to know 逐渐认识到 6. get to work 开始工作(学习)7. give advice to 给……提建议 8. give sb a call 给某人打电话 9. give back 归还,送回 10. give fir...


高考英语高频短语 1.poverty n. 贫穷 2.resistant a. (to)抵抗的,抗...的,耐...的 3.resolve vt. 解决;决定,决意 4.barrel n. 桶 5.bargain n. 便宜货 vi. 讨价还价 6.coarse a. 粗的,粗糙的,粗劣的 7.coach n. 教练;长途公共汽车 8.code n. 准则,法规,密码 9.coil n. 线圈...


初三常见英语动词短语 一、由be构成的词组 1) be back/in/out 回来/在家/外出 2) be at home/work 在家/上班 3) be good at 善于,擅长于 4) be careful (of) 当心,注意,仔细 5) be covered with 被……复盖 6) be ready for 为……作好准备 7) be surprised (at)对……感到惊讶 8) be ...


68.take off 脱下,摘下 69.good night 晚安 70.wash hands 洗手 71.take a trip 旅游 72.in front of在前面 73.in the east(south, west, north) 在东边 74.by boat 乘船 75.in the middle 在中部 76.a map of China 一张中国地图 77.how about怎么样 78.walk through ...


经典英语短语大全及翻译 1、Age eone not because they give you es right back up the next day.不管你有多痛苦,这个世界都不会为你停止转动。太阳依旧照样升起。"17、"Sometimes, it is better to turn around and leave than to insist on and pretend to be ething.如果你不开心,那是...


英语是一门语言也是中考必考的科目,所以在初三对英语的知识点进行归纳总结是很有必要的。以下是我分享给大家的初三英语短语归纳总结,希望可以帮到你! 初三英语短语归纳总结 1. belong to 属于 2. attend a concert 参加音乐会 3. pick up捡起 4. run away 逃跑 5. make a noise 吵闹 6. think of 考虑;...


100句英语励志短语大全:1. Nothing so popular as goodness最的欢迎的是善行。2. Experience is the mother of wisdom智慧来自经验。3. Every man is best know to himself自己最了解自己。4. Great oaks from little acorns grow万丈高楼平地起。5. Where there is life, there is hope有生命必...